Research University - Warsaw University of Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

A summary of the activity of POB Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Published: 10/07/2023

POB Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

What has happened in the last three years? 

Work on the methods of optimal control methods for multibody and robotic systems

Published: 26/05/2023

A robot on which physical experiments were performed.

As part of the POB AIR research grant, a team of researchers from WUT focused on the development and then implementation of effective methods for modelling and optimal control of multibody systems. 

WUT researchers create computer systems supporting medical diagnostics

Published: 08/07/2022

A set of CT scans analyzed automatically by computer systems

Researchers at the Warsaw University of Technology are creating computer systems supporting doctors in medical diagnostics.

Artificial Intelligence to help with designing homes

Published: 06/06/2022


WUT scientists are working on a solution that will enable them to automatically generate a different complementary part (e.g. wiring) of the already completed part of a certain project (e.g. construction). The project is implemented within the SzIR-2 grant.

Artificial Intelligence to help increase industrial safety

Published: 26/04/2022

The drawing depicts a graph of the process which is a qualitative model of the diagnosed process.

Researchers from the Faculty of Mechatronics at WUT have devised methods of resilient reasoning for advisory systems designated mainly for large-scale industrial processes.

Automatic feature selection in intrabuilding localising

Published: 11/04/2022

Separate selection of points inside corridors and the Small Auditorium in the WUT Main Building. By utilising this approach, you can determine an approximate distance of the localised object, with an error lower than five meters.

Scientists at WUT are working on improving the service of intrabuilding localising. The solution is increasingly utilised in the care for people suffering from dementia or navigation of automatic robots, among other things.