Research University - Warsaw University of Technology

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University transformation


  • Strategic and organisational transformation in order to assist Excellence Strategy/ POBs.
  • Introduction of Management by Objectives (MBO).
  • Establishment of support mechanisms for applicants for International projects.
  • Introducing an incentivising remuneration scheme and transparent rules of academic career advancement, in line with the European Charter for Researchers.
  • Formulating rules for comprehensive and flexible staff evaluation.
  • Improving the collaboration between scientists and the administration.
  • Optimising administrative processes through the introduction of Process Management focused mainly on research projects.
  • Implementation of a talent management system.


Optimising administrative processes through the introduction of Process Management focused mainly on research projects:

  • creating a process management team
  • maintaining the document automation IT system

Introduction of Management by Objectives:

  • introducing different timeframes for a goals system: tactical (quarterly) and strategic (annual and triennial)
  • introducing mechanisms for clearing goals through running reporting
  • designing and implementing a system of determining, monitoring and clearing organisational units' goals
  • introducing mechanisms for organisational unit evaluation and for bringing consequences in cases of unfulfilled expectations
  • defining a mechanism for defining individual goals for all members of staff in relation to their role and type of their work
  • implementing staff evaluation regulations in terms of achieving individual goals as well as procedures to define consequences in cases of unfulfilled minimum requirements
  • the budget calculation consists development in 2020-2021 and further maintenance of IT reporting system

Establishment of support mechanisms for applicants for International projects:

  • significantly enhance the quality of the applications submitted and, consequently, improve the success rate

Introducing an incentivising remuneration scheme and transparent rules of academic career advancement, in line with the European Charter for Researchers:

  • work on regulations concerning remuneration and career advancement for academic teachers

Formulating rules for comprehensive and flexible staff evaluation:

  • developing rules for interim evaluation adjusted to the needs of a research university and WUT's new Statute

Improving the collaboration between scientists and the administration:

  • mobility support for administrative staff (including participation in training sessions, conferences and working groups, also internationally, within the scope of their duties)
  • increasing the flexibility of WUT's staff structure, developing mechanisms, which would enable the creation of task forces made up with Staff from different units and departments (academic teachers, administration)
  • professionalising and increasing the pool of administrative experts to provide support for scientific staff in implementing research projects

Optimising administrative processes through the introduction of Process Management focused mainly on research projects:

  • improving the productivity and efficiency of administrative processes at WUT, which is closely connected with the specific objective defined in improving the quality of governance area

Implementation of a talent management system:

  • improving the quality of education provision for students and doctoral training